Today Jamie Ridler asks "What Do You Wish for 2010?
I am a relentless, dyed-in-the-wool goalsetter, dreamer and wishcaster from waaaay back. I can still remember the day in 1973 at the age of 15 when I pulled out my journal and began my first tally of "things I want". When I sat back and looked at my list, I felt a shift deep inside. I had never actually put my desires in writing. To see them there in black and white was an experience so powerful and compelling that I've been addicted ever since. And I'm here to tell you that putting your desires in writing works to manifest them. Wasn't that the basis for the brouhaha of The Secret a few years ago?
Energy is continuous and flows wherever you have your attention. What you focus on does, indeed, expand. Every thought or belief has an impact in your life.
So what do I wish for 2010?
I wish to bloom as a woman, an artist, an entrepreneur,
a teacher, and a healer.
I wish to bloom as a woman, an artist, an entrepreneur,
a teacher, and a healer.