Who Is
The Fragrant Muse?

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Selinsgrove, Pennsylvania, United States
I'm a Creative Soul and Happy Person. I have a passion for my Family, Aromatics, Fairy Gardens, Pugs, SoulCollage, Miniature Worlds, Visual Journals.


All contents Property and Copyright(c) of Liz Fulcher/The Fragrant Muse.
All rights reserved.
Please don't use my written word, photography or art without my permission.
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Friday, August 20, 2010

Interviews by Julochka of Moments of Perfect Clarity

Julochka of the magnificent blog Moments of Perfect Clarity has been interviewing other bloggers -  specifically her readers - for the past month.   She sent her interviewees a list of questions then posted their responses on her blog.   Today's interview is with yours truly.

In looking over her collection of  interviews, I see a beautiful blogging patchwork, and I can't help but marvel how the blogosphere affords us the opportunity to know amazing and fascinating people that would otherwise be lost to us.  

What I found surprisingly (and utterly delightful) was the unexpected nature of her questions.  Instead of covering topics on my fragrant life, she asked things like "where do you go to unwind?" and "what do you miss about Italy?".

If you want to read more, go here.


Deb said...

oh ho ho! This was too much fun...always learn something new about my fragrant friend. So, can you combine your 3 favs into one therapeutic blend and call it Liz's Essential 3? Just a thought...you know I want them all now.

rxBambi said...

this was fun! I've been mulling over my next blog post, but it's not quite there yet. Oops I better not say that, then you'll be expecting something magnificent and I don't think I can live up to that...

Marie said...

Thanks for introducing me to a great new blog. As if I need another one!

Holly said...

I know you even better now! How wonderful!