Who Is
The Fragrant Muse?

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Selinsgrove, Pennsylvania, United States
I'm a Creative Soul and Happy Person. I have a passion for my Family, Aromatics, Fairy Gardens, Pugs, SoulCollage, Miniature Worlds, Visual Journals.


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Monday, January 18, 2010

Tunnel Vision

Last Monday, my return trip from Florida included changing planes at the Detroit Metro Airport.   The gate for my next flight was in a different concourse and I could only reach it by way of underground passenger tunnel.

As I rode the escalator down to the tunnel I noticed a cast of brilliant blue/green light reflected on the floor at the bottom of the moving steps.  I was still too high to see the source of the colorful light but was sure there must be an aquarium in the passenger tunnel.

What I found was a light and sound display that stopped me in my tracks for a full five minutes.  
Curved glass panels with abstract art have been sandblasted into the back walls creating a flowing mural on both sides that runs the entire length of the tunnel, visually connecting the two sides.    As if this weren't enough, passengers are treated to a 27 minute LED colored light show which eminates from behind the glass panels, accompanyed by a beautiful a soundtrack. 

I looked around and wanted to say to someone, anyone "Hey, look at this!  Isn't it beautiful?"  But I seemed to be the only one who noticed this visual treat.    I stood in front of the entrance taking photographs for a long time as the light show changed and in that time not ONE person looked at the walls.  Not one stinkin person.  Or at least not one adult.  I did see a boy of about eight looking up at the sides as he and his parents traveled along the moving sidewalk.  But I swear, everyone else seemed oblivious.   Even if you travel that tunnel everyday, how can you not look at the walls??

I had to gawk, take pictures and of course, touch the cool glass walls, letting my hand drag along the mural as I stood on the moving sidewalk.

The stills are my photos,
the video is something I found on youtube.

This sign was posted at the tunnel entrance.
I'd prefer a sign that says this:

Welcome to the relaxation walkway.
Before passing through, please take a moment to notice.
See the colors.  Hear the music.

Take a moment to breathe.
Take a moment to just be.

I know I did.


Cyndy said...

Liz! I have been here and I did the SAME thing! Because I had an extended stay, I went through the tunnel a couple of times, each a new experience! I felt like I was in an aquarium!!

I definitely prefer your sign, too!

(How many more exclamation points do you think I can add? So excited to be reminded of this!)

beth said...

my daughter just flew in last night after visiting a friend in virginia and switched planes in detroit..I'll have to ask her if she had to go through the tunnel....and if she did, I hope she saw what you saw !

thanks for sharing....it's been years since I've been through that airport....

My name is Erin. said...

It seems that every time we've had a connection in Detroit, we only have 30 min between connections and we have to run through the tunnel. But I was still very impressed. Once, when we were traveling between Vermont and Seattle, we had a connection in Detroit. Again, I think we had 38 min to get to the other side of the Airport. I was 7 months pregnant and all that running, while pushing a 2 year old in a stroller at top speed did not make for a happy Mama. So we did have to stop in the tunnel on the escalator, so I could do some deep breathing to make the cramps in my belly stop. I'm glad I stopped, but I don't know how much I enjoyed the view. : )

Sarah Sullivan said...

Oh oh oh my!!! I would have missed my connection..that is amazing and wonderful...OMG I want to go there just to see it!! Wow! I love that you touched it...lol I would have too..no surprise there!! Thank you for sharing this....wow!!!
Hugs, Sarah

tori said...

I've never seen this before (and I lived in Michigan for 39 years). It's awesome!
I'm always baffled at people who don't notice amazing things around them...I too want to jump up and down and say "hey look at this people!!"
love your sign idea!

Unknown said...

Wow! I can't believe people didn't stop and look! It looks amazing! How sad... I'm glad you did and showed us!

Mari Mansourian said...

well i'm glad someone appreciated it... it's kinda sad huh.??... when we walk around with our eyes shut to the beauty all around us, oh and i like your version of the sign better :)

Eliane Zimmermann said...

in frankfurt there is a similar tunnel (without light show) connecting two terminals and the leading german brand of essential oils primavera designed a mix of essential oils to make it appear less claustrophobic. nice idea!

destinationcreation said...

Very cool Liz! I haven't been to metro airport for at least 4 yrs. now, so i didn't even know this tunnel was there-must've been put in within those 4 yrs...
I don't know when i'll be flying out of there again if ever, but if i get the chance to see the tunnel, will definitely savor the moment of it...
When u think about the people who just go thru that & are oblivious to the experience, it verifies in a Sad way how many people are walking around in their daily lives like that-just like zombies in society, sickening...Absolutely sickening to think of, but they're everywhere!!
Thanks 4 sharing!

Meri said...

I must be a kid at heart (or an artist) because that kind of display always enchants me. As I looked at the photos, however, it did occur to me that it might trigger seizure activity or migraines in a very few susceptible people. The sign is graceless and oblivious to magic; yours is much better.

Deb said...

It's an old epistemological debate, older, actually, than the koan about the tree in the forest. Plato weighed in on it, and philosophers for two millennia afterward: What is beauty? Is it a measurable fact (Gottfried Leibniz), or merely an opinion (David Hume), or is it a little of each, colored by the immediate state of mind of the observer (Immanuel Kant)? From: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/04/04/AR2007040401721.html You've got to read this article: Pearls before breakfast! Describes what you experienced so well! I would have been right there with you! Enjoying! Loving, Laughing!

Cyndy said...

I read the article suggested by MagnificientDebra. It was amazing! Thanks, MD!

Mescrap said...

Thank you for sharing this magnificent post. I love how your creative 'sign' saids.

spudballoo said...

Gosh is this is gorgeous, how wonderful. I'm sure you'd have noticed anyway, but don't you think photography makes you notice so much more? And it's such a treat because everyone else is rushing about while you enjoy the 'moment'. xx